“when women gather, magic happens.”

- Emilee Saldaya

women’s circles, louisville, KY

Wild Feminine Bookclub

12-week study group | 7 x 2h gatherings

NEXT ROUND starts tuesday, february 25th 2025 and meets biweekly on 2/25, 3/11, 3/25, 4/8, 4/22,5/6 & 5/20 from 9:30 to 11:30 Am


Guided by Tami Lynn Kent’s book, Wild Feminine - Finding Power, Spirit & Joy in the Female Body, we will discover the amazing power of the female body to create, heal and transform. Through a series of stories, visualizations, and exercises; women can tap into their core feminine energy to restore creative flow and overall health.

The book explores an entirely new approach to women’s health that offers relief for pelvic pain, menopausal symptoms, postpartum healing, decreased libido, trauma recovery and more.

Please commit 2 hours of your time every other week for 14 weeks, and bring a willingness to heal the sacred relationship between you and your body.

Village Prenatals

free event to celebrate birthing in power

Saturday 3/15/2024 FROM 11am TO 2:00 pm

Sunday 5/18/25 from 1 pm to 4 pm

SATURDAY 7/12/25 FROM 11 AM TO 2:00 PM

Started by Elder Midwife Sister Morningstar, Village Prenatals are gatherings for women who have birthed in power to share stories, and for pregnant women to voice their fears without judgement and advice.

So many women are subjected to unsolicited stories of traumatic births from the media, friends and family, and even strangers. At Full Circle’s Village Prenatals, we come together as sisters to honor the pregnant women, venerate them and bless them on their journey. We also eat delicious food, give blessings to the pregnant women, do belly painting and more!

If you are pregnant, come revitalize yourself as you hear power stories and create the blueprint for the future birth you are longing for. It does not matter where, how, or who you plan to birth with. All are welcome.

“Hi Rebecca! I just wanted to let you know how much that prenatal women’s circle meant to me. The food, massage, just a comfortable space to share and be with other women, during this important time of pregnancy was just one of the more memorable things I have ever been apart of. Appreciate it sooo much! Had to tell you.”

birth story
medicine circle

free event to share birth stories

sunday 2/23/2025 3 pmTO 5pm

MONDAY 4/21/2025 7 PM TO 9 PM

SUNDAY 6/29/2025 4 TO 6 PM

When we lived as a village, women would share their pregnancy, birth and mothering stories around the water well or fire. In our modern society, our first introduction to birth is often in dramatic, fear-based depictions in the media.

Giving birth is a transformational time in every woman's life. Matrescence - the physical, emotional, hormonal and social transition to becoming a mother - is an important rite of passage that deserves to be witnessed.

Birth Story Medicine Circles are sacred containers for us to share birth stories (if you want to), and heal birth trauma through compassionate, ceremonial witnessing. Facilitated by Rebecca, we will review guidelines for conscious listening, speaking non-arguably, and giving feedback.

“I want to say thank you. I have always really appreciated the circles and book clubs you have facilitated...I am so grateful you hold that space for women. I am still in such shock at the way our medical system treats women, but especially pregnant women, and even more so pregnant women of color, and I am so grateful you have carved out a space in Louisville to do this work.”

Women’s stories

  • "I want to say thank you. I have always really appreciated the circles and book clubs you have facilitated...I am so grateful you hold that space for women. I am still in such shock at the way our medical system treats women, but especially pregnant women, and even more so pregnant women of color, and I am so grateful you have carved out a space in Louisville to do this work."